Energy Poverty mitigation in Europe | Potential role for Renewable Energy Communities

EnR Study on Policy and Implementation status across Europe

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The European Commission has emphasized the need for alleviating energy poverty, which represents a complex issue, as a key pillar in the context of a just and fair transition within the Green Deal, and the subsequent Renovation Wave. Energy poverty is severely affecting many European countries, but up until now, only a few comparative analyses have been developed to understand the phenomenon. Energy consumption reduction and energy savings are essential for delivering the European Green Deal and spread of the use of renewable energy sources in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease the dependence on imported fossil fuels. The energy efficiency measures are long-term sector-specific interventions, that has a potential positive externality, they can affect other policy areas such as the health costs of treating diseases caused by living in cold homes, efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, and other macroeconomic benefits.

The European Energy Network developed a study on policy and the current status of energy poverty. The study focuses on the facilitating role of energy agencies as enabling agents in the context of renewable energy communities and combating energy poverty, the effectiveness of current policy measures including strategies for fair renewable energy access, and financing mechanisms considering special emergency measures due to Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. Under the coordination of the Programs and Initiatives Department (DPI) at ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency, the study was developed together with six other agencies joining the study’s Steering Committee (ADEME, Agency for Ecological Transition, France; AEA, Austrian Energy Agency; CRES, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece; Dena, German Energy Agency; Energy Saving Trust, United Kingdom, RVO, Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and received contributions from a total of 14 agencies across Europe.

The study was presented in the webinar “Energy Poverty mitigation in Europe Potential role for Renewable Energy Communities” on March 14th.

Full Program

(Re)watch our webinar

Speakers, presentations & important links

Opening Session

Nelson Lage, President of EnR & ADENE

Ana Fontoura Gouveia, Secretary of State of Energy and Climate, Portugal

Veronique Marx, Team Leader, Just Transition, Unit for Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition (ENER.B.1), Directorate-General for Energy (DG-ENER), European Commission

EnR Study Presentation | Energy Poverty Mitigation in Europe, Potential Role for Renewable Energy Communities

Manuel Casquiço, Director of Industry and Energy Transition, ADENE, Portugal

Roundtable | EnR Agencies action towards energy poverty mitigation

Lise-Marie Dambrine, Project Manager at National Observatory of Fuel Poverty (ONPE) at ADEME, France

René Schellekens, Senior Consultant Energy Transition and Energy Poverty at RVO, Netherlands

Alessandro Fiorini, Researcher at ENEA, Italy

Project Focus | POCITYF, A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework

Nuno Chorão Bilo, Project Manager POCITYFv, Évora Municipality (PT)

Roundtable | Energy Poverty, barriers and opportunities for mitigation with Renewable Energy Communities

Moderator: Catarina Pereira, Project Manager POWERPOOR, Coopernico

Jeppe Mikel Jensen, Project Coordinator, Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

Modena overview:

Getafe overview:

Lumiar overview:

Miguel Morcillo, Project Coordinator, Covenant of Mayors

Marta García, CEOEcoserveis

Luís Costa, Project Manager Cascais Smart Pole & Partner Get2C