EnR catalogue of best practices of behaviour change programmes

Energy efficiency behaviour change is an important aspect of reducing energy consumption and reaching net-zero goals across Europe by 2050. As the urgency to reach these targets grows, it is crucial to implement effective behaviour change programmess that promote energy-saving practices and shift attitudes on sustainable resource consumption.

Behaviour change programmes implemented by energy agencies and national, regional and local governments play a pivotal role in fostering resource efficiency by encouraging individuals to adopt sustainable practices. These initiatives aim to modify behaviours, attitudes, and habits surrounding energy and water consumption, leading to reduced carbon emissions and lower energy costs for individuals and businesses.

Through this catalogue of best practice examples we aim to build on the ‘EnR catalogue of best practices related to behavioural insights’ first published in 2021. We have therefore collated an updated set of case studies with recent examples of programmes delivered by the members of the European Energy Network. The field of energy efficiency behaviour change is constantly evolving, therefore, by exchanging knowledge as well as information about the learnings from the programmes we deliver, policy implementers can stay up to date with the latest research and best practices.

In summary, sharing knowledge on resource efficiency behaviour change programmess between implementers is essential for learning from each other’s experiences, promoting collaboration, staying up to date with the latest research, and building a strong network. By doing so, members of the European Energy Network can enhance the effectiveness and impact of their programmes, and contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

Link to the catalogue.