12 November 2024
EnR Webinar on Monitoring of behaviour change programmes and sharing best practices
For a recording of the webinar please use the following link.
Within the framework of the EnR Behaviour Change Working Group Regina from MEKH, the Hungarian Energy agency kindly took the initiative of taking the lead in organising a webinar on 12th November on Monitoring of behaviour change programmes and sharing best practices, together with Chair and co-chair of the group Rebecca, RVO, the Netherlands and Adrianna, EST, UK (link to the agenda).
Rebecca introduced the EnR (check the presentation here)and briefly described recent work carried out within the Working Group on monitoring, led by Motiva, Finland together with ENEA, Italy, Adene, Portugal and the Swiss Energy Agency. She provided a link to the results of the survey carried out amongst 16 of the 24 EnR members on monitoring of behaviour change and energy efficiency campaigns. A session took place at the EnR Behaviour Change conference held in November 2023 in Maastricht, the Netherlands to present the results and those of the Xchange programme of the IEA on energy efficiency campaigns in different countries. One conclusion made was that it is clear that there is a lack of shared methodologies at European level for measuring behaviour change and calculating energy efficiency behaviour. This is s subject worth further exploration within the Working Group.
Rebecca also highlighted the catalogue of best practices, the Energy Efficiency Journal where papers from the EnR BEHAVE Conference held in November 2023 in Maastricht, the Netherlands will soon be published, the EnR Newsletter and announced that the eighth edition of the EnR Behaviour Change Conference will be held on 11th and 12th December in Paris hosted by ADEME.
Regina presented the programme for the webinar and introduced the speakers. The following presentations were given. Presentations were followed by a discussion during which Rebecca posed questions to the speakers and questions were addressed from the chat function posted during the webinar.
- Hungarian experience with monitoring behaviour change measures (download presentation), Regina Fógel, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH, Hungary)
- Case study from Hungary: the awareness-raising ’Energy Diet’ campaign and its measurement/ monitoring methods (download presentation) Rita Balázs, MVM Next Energy Trading Ltd. (key player of energy sector in HU); (download presentation) Zádor Bálint, Axing Ltd. (market leader in the Hungarian energy consulting sector)
- Impact of the awareness and behavioural campaign ‘Italy in Class A’ on Energy Savings and Efficiency Targets (download presentation) Mariagiovanna Gaglione, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA, Italy)
- Evaluation of public awareness campaigns in Greece (download presentation) Christos Tourkolias, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES, Greece)
- Monitoring of behaviour change campaigns in different countries (download presentation) Emma Mooney, International Energy Agency (IEA)
For a recording of the webinar please see link below:
10 October 2024
EnR Thinking Group Meeting on Sufficiency
In the framework of the shared EnR Presidency in 2024, ADEME organised the Thinking Group Meeting on sufficiency, the priority theme for ADEME. The event took place on 10th October in Paris, at Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.
The aim of the event was to present the concept of sufficiency (“sobriété” in French) to EnR Network members and the activities of agencies and other European stakeholders. More than 50 people attended the event (in-person and online).
Baptiste Perissin Fabert, ADEME’s Deputy Director General, introduced the event. Then, various experts shared their work on sufficiency and, namely:
- Yamina Saheb, a French researcher from the IPCC, presented the definition and the state of play of the sufficiency concept so that a common language could be shared among the participants.
- Representatives of the European networks: Claire Roumet from Energy Cities explained the idea behind the Sufficiency Manifesto, and Nicolas Taillard from négaWatt presented their work on Sufficiency Scenarios as part of the CLEVER project, financed by ADEME.
- Thomas Dorget from Athenora desiphered the sufficiency concept at the European level.
- Séverine Truchsess from the French Ministry of Ecological Transition presented the National Sufficiency Plan.
Irina Uzun-Dupouey from ADEME, France, presented the state of play of sufficiency at the EnR, and namely the results of EnR sufficiency survey launched earlier this year.
Three energy agencies shared their approaches, activities and campaigns relating to sufficiency:
- Didier Bosseboeuf from ADEME, France, presented their activities on the energy, resources and materials sufficiency, including the sufficiency barometer, 2050 scenarios each including sufficiency, position papers and a 100-people internal community;
- Jenni Rovio from Motiva, Finland, shared the communication campaign ‘Down a degree’; and
- Corina Schwarz and Stephan Fickl from AEA, Austria, presented the Klimaaktiv programme and 2040 scenarios, including one entirely dedicated to sufficiency.
The next step is to continue the dialogue within the EnR Network and with external stakeholders (European Commission, other European networks) in order to advance the sufficiency concept at the European level.
21 June 2024
EnR / Users TCP Workshop | Behave 2023 – Using behaviour change insights and programmes to accelerate the just energy transition
On June 21st 2024, EnR and Users TCP organized a joint workshop in Lisbon, to recap the Behave 2023 conference last November in Maastricht and discuss main findings and pathways for future research and collaboration. The workshop, under the motto “Using behaviour change insights and programmes to accelerate the just energy transition” was conducted by Rebecca van Leeuwen, the EnR Behaviour Change Working Group chair, and Samuel Thomas, Head of Secretariat of the Users TCP. The event had a great turnout with around 200 guests online and on-site.
Throughout the day, we learned about the #justtransition in a session moderated by Renee Schellekens with input from Dr Sea Rotmann and a panel discussion with Miguel Macias Sequeira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Manuel Casquiço (ADENE) Ruth Buggie (SEAI).
The hot topic of #demandflexibility was moderated by Declan Meally (SEAI). After a scientific background from Marta Lopes (INESCC, IPCoimbra) and an intro from Samuel Thomas (User-Centred Energy Systems TCP) and Jesper Åkesson (The Behaviouralist) who introduced their guidebook on demand flexibility, Ruth Buggie joined them for a lively panel discussion.
The final session focused on promoting public acceptance of new technologies and was chaired by Adrianna Threpsiadi (EST). Ira Shefer, Dr., Nathália P. and Diana Süsser, Dr presented some examples of public acceptance projects and the final presentation was held by Mariagiovanna Gaglione (ENEA).
Last but not least, a special thank you to all participants, speakers, WG chairs and ADENE colleagues involved in the event planning. Looking forward to the activities ahead in the European Energy Network.
You can (re)watch the entire event in the EnR Youtube channel
Access the full programme here and speaker presentations in the links below:
23 October 2023
EnR Thinking Group Meeting
In order to achieve the European Union’s energy and climate goals, the EU has currently revised its Fit for 55 policy framework and with that tightened requirements for the heat transition in the Member States. As part of the Fit for 55 package, the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) play a crucial role as they set ambitious targets in the long neglected heat sector. New targets and corresponding instruments are now to be integrated into the updated National Energy and Climate Action Plans (NECPs) by each Member State.
While the heat sector has made little progress in decarbonisation for a long time, the new regulations could now accelerate the formulation of more ambitious heat targets in the member states. However, it also puts pressure on governments to effectively expand renewable heat in a short time and in a socially acceptable way.
In the EnR Thinking Group Meeting on October 23, 2023, we discussed the current status of NECP implementation and the role of RED targets based on the work of REDI4Heat and will exchange on the implementation of strategic heat planning as instrument for local heat transition. Since the event addresses participants from European energy agencies and relevant policy makers in the heat sector, we also discussed approved Member State heat strategies and local solutions in a moderated discussion and share experiences and strategies approached throughout the EU.
“Stricter RED targets and expanding heat planning all over Europe – finally the key to accelerate the European heat transition?”

4 July 2023
LEAP4SME Final Event
Three years ago the Industry and Enterprises Working Group started the EU funded project Factsheet-LEAP4SME.pdf (enr-network.org), formally supported by the network and participated by 9 EnR Agencies. The event will be the project’s final conference in Brussels, where at least one representative of the nine EnR Agencies will have a speech/debate.
The webpage of the event, and in person registrations are available at https://leap4sme.eu/event/final-conference-4-july-2023/ . The streaming will be available registering the interest on linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/events/energyefficiencypolicies-increa7076804819885150208/comments/.
28 & 29 November 2023
BEHAVE 2023: 7th European Conference on Behaviour Change and Energy Efficiency
Scaling-up Behaviour change in the light of the energy and climate crises

On 28th and 29th November 2023 the seventh edition of the BEHAVE Conference will take place in Maastricht, the Netherlands on behaviour change and energy efficiency.
Rebecca van Leeuwen of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has the overall lead in organising the conference in her role as Chair of the Behaviour Change Working Group of the European Energy Network (EnR).
“It is all very well developing great new technologies, but if you don’t get the people involved in changing their behaviour in adopting these technologies and involving them in creating a sustainable society then you can forget it. Behavioural insights are extremely important and cannot be ignored. It is now the time, more than ever before, to put these research efforts into practice and to start making a real difference”.

During this 1 ½ day event the two different worlds – the academics/ social scientists on the one hand, and policymakers and industry on the other, will come together, engage in discussion and learn from each other. The conference is open to all those who have an interest/ a passion for behaviour change in the energy transition. The programme, which will be in the English language, will be based on the overwhelming number of abstract submissions received (close to 200) from Europe and beyond.
It will be a fantastic opportunity to network with the leading experts in the field and to broaden your knowledge on this important topic.
You can download the proceedings of the 2023 BEHAVE Conference here.
23 May 2023
EnR Presidency 2023 Workshop Series
Strengthening European value chains of Strategic Net Zero Industries – the Net Zero Industry Act in practise
Internationally, the race for technological leadership in critical energy transition industries is in full swing. With China, India and the USA, important markets have developed targeted industrial policy strategies to maintain or gain technological sovereignty in these sectors. In particular, they are also targeting competencies and capacities in industrial technology manufacturing. If Europe wants to maintain a strategic autonomy in technology development and manufacturing, it must therefore also establish a more active approach to these transformation industries. This requires a consistent energy, climate and, above all, industrial policy framework. Attempting to do so, the European Commission’s proposal for a Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) formulates various policies to foster so-called Strategic Net Zero Industries, including solar-PV and wind, among others.
In the upcoming EnR workshop, we would like to discuss with you the NZIA and current industrial policy plans of the EU Member States to promote climate-friendly industries. As the event addresses participants from European energy agencies, we want to sharpen the role of energy agencies in the implementation of the NZIA in a moderated discussion and share experiences and strategic approached throughout the EU.
Here, you can find the agenda.
The minutes of the meeting are available here.
Date: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023; 14:00-16:00 CEST
Venue: Berlin, dena @EUREF-Campus & Zoom
14 March 2023
Energy Poverty mitigation in Europe | Potential role for Renewable Energy Communities
The European Commission has emphasized the need for alleviating energy poverty, which represents a complex issue, as a key pillar in the context of a just and fair transition within the Green Deal, and the subsequent Renovation Wave. Energy poverty is severely affecting many European countries, but up until now, only a few comparative analyses have been developed to understand the phenomenon. Energy consumption reduction and energy savings are essential for delivering the European Green Deal and spread of the use of renewable energy sources in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease the dependence on imported fossil fuels. The energy efficiency measures are long-term sector-specific interventions, that has a potential positive externality, they can affect other policy areas such as the health costs of treating diseases caused by living in cold homes, efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, and other macroeconomic benefits.
The European Energy Network developed a study on policy and the current status of energy poverty. The study focuses on the facilitating role of energy agencies as enabling agents in the context of renewable energy communities and combating energy poverty, the effectiveness of current policy measures including strategies for fair renewable energy access, and financing mechanisms considering special emergency measures due to Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. Under the coordination of the Programs and Initiatives Department (DPI) at ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency, the study was developed together with six other agencies joining the study’s Steering Committee (ADEME, Agency for Ecological Transition, France; AEA, Austrian Energy Agency; CRES, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece; Dena, German Energy Agency; Energy Saving Trust, United Kingdom, RVO, Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and received contributions from a total of 14 agencies across Europe.
The study will be presented in the webinar “Energy Poverty mitigation in Europe Potential role for Renewable Energy Communities” on March 14th.
DATE: 09 March 2023
09 March 2023
Decarbonising Industry & Businesses: what’s new towards 2030?
The Industry sector is one of the largest energy consumers in the EU, accounting for about a fourth of the final energy consumption. European industries have made important progress to improve their energy efficiency and switch to low carbon energy sources; however, opportunities for saving energy remain in most enterprises. In March 2020, the New Industrial Strategy outlined how Europe will become greener, more circular and more digital while remaining competitive on the global stage. Between 2020 and 2023, together with the uptake of relevant technological processes and trends (digitalization, electrification, use of hydrogen), the industry & enterprises sector dealt with important natural, political and societal changes, which required to rethink policies, strategies and approaches. Taking stock of the mutated scenario, the new (February 2023) Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age included as a pillar of the EU strategy the concept of competitiveness, to build a more supportive environment for the scaling up of the EU’s manufacturing capacity for the net-zero technologies. A common factor to any recent policy, strategy or plan regarding the process of decarbonisation, Energy Efficiency plays a main role and often a leading role.
This workshop has two main aims: to inform the participants (National energy agencies, policy officers, researchers, and industry stakeholders) on core topics underlying the process of industrial decarbonization, as well as providing insights from an in-depth discussion on how to better support businesses and industry in a challenging scenario.
DATE: 09 March 2023
25 October 2022
From LTRS to Building Renovation Plans: What changes?
This event focusses on the implementation and monitoring processes of current LTRS and the role of Energy Agencies in assisting the effective renovation of the building stock. This will be the touchstone for a discussion on the need to update the LTRS to a National Building Renovation Plan (NBRP) in line with the Commission’s proposal for the revised EPBD. These plans will establish specific timelines for achieving higher energy performance classes, in line with member state countries’ pathway to achieve zero-emission building stock by 2050. NBRPs will also present an overview of national policies and measures empowering and protecting vulnerable households, ensuring housing affordability. They will also ensure a coherent deployment of funds, identifying key areas and putting in place the most adequate instruments.
DATE: 25 October 2022
27 September 2022
Valuing water & energy savings in consumer choices
The European Energy Network, EnR, presided in 2022 by ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency, hosts an online workshop on “Valuing water and energy savings in consumer choices”. Join experts from the European Commission, US Environmental Protection Agency, Australia’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, UK’s- Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, The European Consumer Organisation, Unified Water Label Association and European Energy Agency members, to discuss how labelling schemes can improve water-energy performance in the taps&showers market, as the combined savings of both resources becomes ever more critical in the current climate emergency and unstable energy security contexts. The workshop is held as part of EU Sustainable Energy Week program.
Please check the detailed program and speaker information.
DATE: 27 September 2022
20 October 2021
Race to Zero Europe –
Countdown to COP26
Just weeks before COP26, join leading European businesses, investors, and policy makers at our event on the benefits of joining the Race to Zero.
Race to Zero is the UN-backed global campaign rallying non-state actors across the global economy to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030 and deliver a healthier, fairer zero carbon world in time. All members are committed to the same overarching goal: reducing emissions across all scopes swiftly and fairly in line with the Paris Agreement, with transparent action plans and robust near-term targets.
For further information on the full programme and registration, please follow the link below.
DATE: 20 October 2021
30 June 2021
France-Korea joint workshop ADEME-KEA: “Offshore wind power in France and Korea: feedback from companies, innovation & perspectives”
The French and Korean public agencies ADEME and KEA are pleased to invite you to the workshop on offshore wind power in France and Korea. The workshop will be held from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm (Paris time) and from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm (Seoul time). ADEME and KEA will exchange know-how and best practices on offshore wind power. On program: Policies and R&D status and information exchange on projects and technologies about fixed offshore wind power and floating wind turbine.
This seminar will be an opportunity to have feedback from companies, to discuss innovations and perspectives in the sector.
This technical workshop is part of the bilateral partnership between ADEME and KEA.
For further information on the full programme and registration, please follow the link below.
DATE: 30 June 2021
WEBSITE & REGISTRATION: https://www.bdi.fr/en/landing/kea-ademe/
1st June 2021
SolarPower Summit
The SolarPower Summit is SolarPower Europe’s annual flagship event, which will bring together over 500 industry representatives from all major energy players, as well as SMEs and a range of decision-makers from across the EU and beyond.
The event offers the latest solar insights to high-level political and business representatives concerning major strategic, political and market developments shaping the future of solar in Europe. The Summit is widely recognised as one of the year’s most important energy events in Brussels.
DATE: 28 September 2020 to 2 October 2020
TIME: 9:00 – 16:00
WEBSITE & REGISTRATION: https://w.tame.events/e/147626163
17 September 2020
ECEEE Conference on Energy Audits & Energy Efficiency in Europe: EnR side event