On November 25th, in Lisbon, the European Energy Network presented a study on Energy Agencies and Renewable Energy Communities, in a hybrid event, in Lisbon, that gathered over 320 participants.
- Full Programme, Framework, Speaker Bios
- EnR Study on Energy Agencies and Renewable Energy Communities
The event was opened by the Portuguese Secretary of State for Environment and Energy, João Galamba and Paula Pinho, Unit Director for Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation of DG-ENER, and closed by Nelson Lage, President of ADENE & EnR 2022.
Manuel Casquiço, Director of Programmes and Initiatives at ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency, and the study lead, presented the findings and main conclusions, as well as an overview of the pathways for energy agencies to further promote the creation of Renewable Energy Communities.
In the following panels, EnR Energy Agencies, shared their experience in promoting Renewable Energy Communities and several organizations brought evidence from the ground with examples from different sectors and geographies.
Speaker Presentations
- Leonardo Barreto-Gomez | Austria | Head of EU and International Projects, AEA, Austrian Energy Agency
- Graham Ayling | United Kingdom | Senior Project Manager, EST, Energy Saving Trust
- Sara de la Serna | Spain | Responsible of Energy Communities, IDAE, Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy, Spain
- Otto Bernsen | Netherlands | Senior Coordinating Advisor, RVO, Netherlands Enterprise Agency
- Isabel Azevedo, Head of the Energy Unit, INEGI, Portugal
- Sara Giovannini | Communications & EU Policy manager, Energy Cities
- Filipe Araújo | Vice-Mayor, Municipality of Oporto
- Ana Rita Antunes | Coordinator, Coopérnico, member of REScoop & EC Energy Communities Repository Country Expert
- Eugenia Bonifazi | Coordinator of the EC Rural Energy Communities Advisory Hub