EnR Presidency 2023 Workshop Series

Strengthening European value chains of Strategic Net Zero Industries – the Net Zero Industry Act in practise

Internationally, the race for technological leadership in critical energy transition industries is in full swing. With China, India and the USA, important markets have developed targeted industrial policy strategies to maintain or gain technological sovereignty in these sectors. In particular, they are also targeting competencies and capacities in industrial technology manufacturing. If Europe wants to maintain a strategic autonomy in technology development and manufacturing, it must therefore also establish a more active approach to these transformation industries. This requires a consistent energy, climate and, above all, industrial policy framework. Attempting to do so, the European Commission’s proposal for a Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) formulates various policies to foster so-called Strategic Net Zero Industries, including solar-PV and wind, among others.

In our first event of the EnR Presidency 2023 Workshop Series, about 30 participants discussed current industrial policy plans of the EU Member States to promote climate-friendly industries. One key question particularly guided our discussion. We asked; what role European Energy Agencies could potentially take in supporting the goals of the EU’s Net Zero Industry Act?

The insightful contributions of our speakers have really moved the discussion forward.

  • Stefano Soro, Head of Unit for Green and Circular Economy at the European Commission
  • Dr. Nils Redeker, Deputy Director and Philipp Jäger, Policy Fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre
  • Dr. Rainer Quitzow, Research Group Leader, RIFS Potsdam
  • Joscha Müller, Senior Expert for Renewable Energies, dena
  • Katharina Norpoth, Expert for Industry, dena
  • Christoph Jugel, Director Staff Unit for Policy and Strategy, dena
  • Tim Banning, EnR Secretariat @dena

“Europe has to be part of this race for many reasons: Sustainability, dependencies, social sustainability, prosperity, decarbonization, and last but not least obviously reaching our climate targets, which is where the conversation started.” Stefano Soro pointed out in his keynote address.

Many thanks to all participants!