Meeting documents:
- M72 Agenda
- M72 Meeting Minutes
- Official Photo
Programme (presentations linked where available)
Day 1 | Regular Meeting | March 27th 2023
0_Welcome session
- Nelson Lage, President of EnR and ADENE
- Chris Jugel, Head of Strategy & Policy Department & EnR Regular Member, dena
1_EnR Presidency 2022
- Highlights | Luís Silva, ADENE
- Communication & Events | Inês Mendes, ADENE
- Studies & Publications I Sofia Cordeiro, ADENE
- Green Jobs & Skills | Filipa Newton, ADENE
- Renewable Energy Communities | Manuel Casquiço, ADENE
- Proposal for new WG procedures | Inês Mendes/Sofia Cordeiro, ADENE
2_EnR Members projects/initiatives
- Energy Audits Implementation in Lithuania | Virgilijus Poderys, ENA
- Just Transition and Energy Poverty (Life IP project) | Ármin Bőhm, MEKH
- Towards a green Europe with no energy imports? | Marian Poolen, RVO
3_Working Groups – Evaluations & Updates
- Energy Efficiency | Vassilis Kilias, CRES
- Renewable Energy | Philine Wedell, dena
- Industry & Enterprises | Enrico Biele, ENEA
- Behaviour Change | Rebecca van Leeuwen, RVO
- Buildings | Rui Fragoso, ADENE
- Labelling & Ecodesign | Colin Smith, EST
- Transports | Colin Smith, EST
- Monitoring tools | Didier Bosseboeuf, ADEME
New Working Group Proposal
- Water & Energy Nexus | Filipa Newton, ADENE
4_European Youth Energy Network | 1st European Youth Energy Forum results and future EnR cooperation
- Tiago Vicente, EYEN
5_Behave 2023 Conference
- Rebecca van Leeuwen, RVO
6_EnR Presidency 2023 action plan
- Tim Banning, Head of EnR Secretariat 2022, dena
Day 2 | Full Meeting | March 28th 2023
7_EnR Full Meeting & Handover
Decisions to be adopted
- WG Evaluations (Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy)
- WG new procedures
- New WG on Water-Energy Nexus
Handover from ADENE to dena
- Nelson Lage, ADENE
- Kristina Haverkamp, dena
8_Smart Financing for the Water-Energy Nexus | Study Presentation and roundtable
- EnR Study on Water-Energy Nexus Financing | Filipa Newton, ADENE
- Case studies | The role of Energy Agencies in the Water-Energy Nexus
- Juliet Borg Sant | Policy Officer, EWA, Energy and Water Agency, Matla
- Kirsi-Maaria Forssell | Expert, Energy Efficiency Unit, Motiva, Finland
- Roundtable | The importance of financing the water-energy nexus towards energy-climate goals
- Sofia Santos | PhD, Sustainability Champion in Chief at Systemic
- Juliet Borg Sant | Policy Officer, EWA, Energy and Water Agency, Matla
- Kirsi-Maaria Forssell | Expert, Energy Efficiency Unit, Motiva, Finland
- Attending energy agencies
- Conclusions and wrap-up | Filipa Newton, ADENE