European Biomethane Conference 2018 – Registration Open

Join this year’s 4th European Biomethane Conference on September 20th in Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin.  The Conference will be jointly hosted by the German Energy Agency (dena) and Renewable Gas Forum Ireland (RGFI). Meet leaders from the gas industry, trade associations, energy agencies, producers and traders of biomethane, scientists and politicians from Ireland and all Read more …

Energy Efficiency Award 2017 – Companies can apply now

The international energy efficiency competition of the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) – German Energy Agency is this year under the motto “The Makers of Energy Transition “. Private and public companies are invited to submit their projects and concepts by 15 July, which have a special impact on the practical implementation of the energy transition. Read more …

Submitted: EnR Consultation Paper 2016

On behalf of the European Energy Network (EnR), the EnR Presidency & Secretariat 2016 submitted an EnR Consultation Paper “National Energy Agencies in Europe on Parameters for Realising the Targets of the Energy Union” to the European Commission and European Parliament on 19 December 2016. With this joint publication, participating EnR members intend to contribute some Read more …

Energy Efficiency in Action – EnR Dialogue with geea on 8 Nov in Brussels

Initiated by the German Energy Agency (dena) on behalf of European Energy Network (EnR) – which dena chairs in 2016 – and in close collaboration with the Alliance for Building Energy Efficiency (geea), the high-level ‘EnR Dialogue with geea’ on 8 Nov in Brussels aimed at rendering a panorama and selected close-ups of different country, company and Read more …