Funding opportunities in 18 sub-topics from technical assistance to procurement and financing

The LIFE CET (Clean Energy Transition sub-programme) Call 2022 has nearly EUR 100 million available for funding project ideas, with a 95% co-funding rate. The deadline to submit your proposal is 16 November 2022, 17:00 Brussels time.
Projects are co-financed under the LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme in the following five areas of intervention:
- Building a national, regional and local policy framework supporting the clean energy transition;
- Accelerating technology roll-out, digitalisation, new services and business models and enhancement of the related professional skills on the market;
- Attracting private finance for sustainable energy;
- Supporting the development of local and regional investment projects;
- Involving and empowering citizens in the clean energy transition.
18 CET topics
- BUILD UP Skills – Strategies and training interventions enabling a decarbonised building stock
- New ecodesign and energy labelling compliance support facility for suppliers and retailers
- Towards a zero-emission building stock: strengthening the enabling framework for deep renovation
- Making the “Energy efficiency first” principle more operational
- National Finance Roundtables for sustainable energy investments
- Energy performance and Smart Readiness of buildings – making the instruments work
- Supporting the clean energy transition of the business sector
- Developing support mechanisms for energy communities
- Accelerating deployment and affordability of heat pumps through collective purchase actions and procurement
- Integrated Home Renovation Services
- Innovative financing schemes for sustainable energy investments
- Towards an effective implementation of key legislation in the field of sustainable energy
- Addressing building related interventions in vulnerable districts
- Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments
- Setting up facilitation structures to accelerate the renovation wave in the public sector
- Integration of low-grade renewable energy or waste heat in high temperature district heating
- Technical support to clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions
- Mainstreaming sustainable energy investments in the financial sector
Find out how you and your organisation can help accelerating the Clean Energy Transition! Info session recordings are available for each topic.
Additional guidance such as on how to write an excellent proposal is published on our LIFE Calls for Proposals 2022 page .