EnR 2024 Thinking Group Meeting on Sufficiency

In the framework of the shared EnR Presidency in 2024, ADEME organised the Thinking Group Meeting on sufficiency, the priority theme for ADEME. The event took place on 10th October in Paris, at Cité internationale universitaire de Paris. The aim of the event was to present the concept of sufficiency (“sobriété” in French) to EnR Read more …

Save-the-date: BEHAVE 2025 – 11-12 December 2025 in Paris

The 8th European Conference on Behaviour Change and Energy Efficiency, BEHAVE 2025, will take place on 11th and 12th December 2025 in Paris, France, under the theme “From energy efficiency to sufficiency: the need for a change in lifestyles to ensure a just transition to carbon neutrality”. Irina Uzun-Dupouey from ADEME, the French Agency for Read more …

EnR Presidency 2023 Workshop Series: Strengthening European value chains of Strategic Net Zero Industries – the Net Zero Industry Act in practise

Internationally, the race for technological leadership in critical energy transition industries is in full swing. With China, India and the USA, important markets have developed targeted industrial policy strategies to maintain or gain technological sovereignty in these sectors. In particular, they are also targeting competencies and capacities in industrial technology manufacturing. If Europe wants to Read more …

Decarbonising Industry & Businesses: what’s new towards 2030?

The Industry sector is one of the largest energy consumers in the EU, accounting for about a fourth of the final energy consumption. European industries have made important progress to improve their energy efficiency and switch to low carbon energy sources; however, opportunities for saving energy remain in most enterprises. In March 2020, the New Read more …