Online | September 27, 2022 | 11:30 – 13:00 CET
(Check the event schedule in your time zone)
This event is free, but requires registration.

The European Energy Network, EnR, presided in 2022 by ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency, hosts an online workshop on “Valuing water and energy savings in consumer choices”. Join experts from the European Commission, US Environmental Protection Agency, Australia’s Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, UK’s- Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, The European Consumer Organisation, Unified Water Label Association and European Energy Agency members, to discuss how labelling schemes can improve water-energy performance in the taps&showers market, as the combined savings of both resources becomes ever more critical in the current climate emergency and unstable energy security contexts. The workshop is held as part of EU Sustainable Energy Week program.
By 2030, water scarcity is expected to affect ca. 45% of Europe water basins, requiring water efficiency in all sectors. This is key to climate change adaptation and also mitigation, as urban water supply uses ca. 4% of world electricity.
There are great opportunities for combined savings if water and energy in buildings are simultaneously addressed. Implementation of water-saving toilets, taps and showerheads, alone, can produce up to 50% water savings in buildings, with energy and CO2 emissions reduction by end users and urban water systems. Water and/or energy labelling may be tools to help consumers on efficient choices.
The session will host the first presentation of a European citizen open survey on this topic, led by EnR (European Energy Network), followed by discussion on findings.
Please check the detailed program and speaker information.
Check out a summary of interventions, speaker presentations and full video in our LinkedIn article.