Registration open: Two COP23 workshops aimed at fostering renewable energy within the UNECE region
The 56 countries comprising the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) differ greatly from each other, not just in terms of culture, language and geographical location, but also with regards to the structure of their energy systems. Some of the member states managed to build up enormous renewable capacities. Others, on the other hand, still produce relatively small amounts of energy from renewable sources. Yet, many of these countries have extensive potential for their deployment, which could be realised at low cost.
Two workshops, held alongside of the COP23 climate conference in Bonn, seek to establish a venue for the exchange of information within the region. Collaboratively, decision makers from governments, market regulators and businesses being active in selected UNECE countries shall identify both challenges and barriers to the deployment of renewable energy sources and possible solutions for addressing these.
One workshop, held on November 13, focuses on renewable heat. The second event, held on November 14, specifically deals with renewables in the electricity sector.
Most notably, the one-day events feature two modules that are meant to create room for exchange: In a first step, participants will have the opportunity to present, discuss and critically assess the current market situation for renewables in their countries. Moreover, a multi-peer discussion process shall enable the representatives to address difficulties, share experience and outline adequate solutions with regards to the development of renewable electricity and heat markets.
These events are organized by the German Energy Agency (dena) in close cooperation with the UNECE Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (GERE) and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
If you are interested in more information or want to participate in one of the workshops, please follow this link for the event on renewable heat and this link for the electricity workshop.
Please register until 26 October 2017 via dena‘s website. Here you can also find more information.
13 November 2017: Fostering renewable heat in the UNECE region
14 November 2017: Workshop: Fostering renewable energy in UNECE countries’ electricity sectors