WG Behaviour Change
It is clear that behaviour change is crucial to bring about significant reduction in energy end use. Although national and international administrations have already devoted considerable effort to deploying evidence-based interventions to influence behaviour to promote the use of sustainable energy, and scientific insights to improve these efforts are published on a regular basis, we need to improve these interventions to enhance the results to have an even bigger impact on achieving the energy transition.
This Working Group established in 2005 aims not only to bring together the knowledge and expertise on behaviour change of EnR Members and relevant networks such as the IEA TCP Users Group User-Centred Energy Systems (USERS), but also to share and disseminate best practices, to learn from each other and to engage in dialogue with the social scientists. Using psychology and behavioural insights in designing energy efficient and renewable energy programmes, projects and policies can contribute to their long-term success.
- Keep members up to date with the latest policy developments and work of other relevant networks – bringing the leading social scientists and practitioners together;
- Capacity building and enhancing the knowledge and expertise of EnR members on the topic of behaviour change;
- Raise the profile of behaviour change among policy stakeholders to ensure that behaviour change is considered more systematically within the energy policy design and implementation process.
A first catalogue of EnR best practices on behavioural insights in energy efficiency was published in 2021. This was updated with new projects and results and impacts of projects mentioned in the first edition, and the second edition was published in November 2023. This catalogue Link to the catalogue. showcases a wide range of best practices on behavioural insights in energy efficiency from many different agencies in Europe, demonstrating the diversity of the work of the European Energy Network. An analysis of the best practices is given, providing the main highlights and conclusions and some recommendations for consideration.
The 7th edition of the BEHAVE Conference was held on 28 and 29 November 2023 in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Here you can download the Conference Proceedings: .https://enr-network.org/wp-content/uploads/Proceedings_BEHAVEconference_2023_def_09022024.pdf
The 8th edition BEHAVE 25 will be held in December 2025 in Paris, France organised by Ademe.
Contact the EnR Behaviour Change Working Group

The EnR Behaviour Change Working Group is currently chaired by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency/ RVO Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (rvo.nl) If you have any questions, or would like to find out more, please contact the Behaviour Change Working Group Chair, Rebecca van Leeuwen at Rebecca.vanleeuwen@rvo.nl