The need to deliver energy transition and decarbonization at an unprecedented speed, as stated in emergency policy packages such as REPowerEU, leads to increasing disruptions in the job market, where the gap between the existing workforce skills and desired skills is widening, particularly regarding green jobs & skills. The European Commission Skills Agenda acknowledges this as an obstacle to overcome, towards EU’s environmental, economic and social goals for the coming decades. This was also highlighted by President Ursula von der Leyen in her announcement of 2023 as the European Year of Skills. The present study makes a case for national Energy Agencies to get involved in the topic, in order to help other stakeholders, but also to better fulfill their own mission.
The present report was presented and discussed at the annual EnR Thinking Group Meeting, on October 17th 2022, in Malta. The meeting, under the motto “ReSkill to RePower” gathered energy agencies and external stakeholders to discuss how to better bridge the divide between training and workforce shortages/needs and the mission of energy agencies toward energy efficiency and emissions’ reduction to achieve carbon neutrality targets.
Full information on the meeting, speakers and presentations can be obtained here.
Click on the images below to see the FULL STUDY and PRESENTATION.