The European Energy Network (EnR) has published a booklet “Energy transition: 5 years to succeed” that outlines the progress made at the European Union level and the many challenges still to be met to achieve the carbon neutrality, and highlights the important role of national energy agencies in supporting the implementation of the European Green Deal at the national level.
With over 30 years’ experience, the EnR Network member agencies support Member States in ensuring the implementation of a range of services tailored to the requirements of the territories. The strength of our members lies in our neutrality and our proximity to the regions, businesses and citizens we support with our expertise on issues related to sustainable Energy and climate change abatement.
The energy transition is eagerly awaited by the European citizens and Europe needs to provide ambitious, concrete solutions, without forgetting the importance of their implementation at the level of the territories, ensuring a just transition.
The EnR Network shares this booklet with the newly elected members of the European Commission and the European Parliament, eager to continue working alongside these important stakeholders to inspire new ideas and support the implementation actions as closely as possible to the national territories.
Thus, the “Energy transition: 5 years to succeed” also offers an overview of the of the EnR Network’s best practice database, with exemplary projects in key sectors of the economy (energy, buildings, transport, etc.) where major advances and changes are expected. Through this open database, the EnR Network shares the solutions that can be implemented to accelerate the energy transition in Europe and beyond.
Click on the links or on the image below to access the EnR booklet in the English and French versions.